Wednesday 8 October 2014

I loove... my retro style Geox flats

Geox flats. No this is not my floor, this is the flooring at the Starbucks. I literally did not have even 5 min at home in daylight, so a blogger gotta do what a blogger gotta do.
If you are a busy woman and not one of this miracle people which can walk miles and miles in heals without wanting to tear your feet off, chances are high, you love, like me, some decent flats. Now obviously there are beautiful classic ballerinas and i own several of those too. But from time to times i want something more exiting on my feet. In come my new retro style flats from Geox. I have to admit upon first time wearing them, i wasn't convinced. I got some blisters and was pretty disappointed since especially Geox is supposed to be so nice to your feet. However, the prettiness drew me back in so i wore them again and by now they are super comfortable. Their special air sole as well as the shoe design really prevents the dreaded sweaty feet and at the same time, i do not get cold feet either. Ideal. I like to wear them in warmer weather just barefoot or even in colder weather together with some black tights. They go perfect obviously with some retro style dresses but they also can be a bit of an eye catcher on jeans. So yes, in short i have been looooving those. Unfortunately i can not give you a price since they were on sale and i cannot find them anymore on the website.
And yes, busy woman means sometimes you are doing your photos in the local starbucks and get stared at strangely by people which are wondering why this women is making photos of her feet. But well as somebody famous said: People are gonna look, why not make sure they have something to see ;).

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